Build a Brand Gen Z Wants to Work (and Buy) From

Build a Brand Gen Z Wants to Work (and Buy) From written by Jarret Redding read more at Duct Tape Marketing

The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast with Len Silverman

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interviewed Len Silverman, a veteran marketer, former Learning Center owner, and author of Mesh: Aligning Your Personal Brand with Gen Z. With over 30 years of experience and firsthand insight into the Gen Z workforce, Len offers a clear roadmap for companies struggling to connect with this rising generation of workers and consumers.

Len shares why simply labeling Gen Z as “lazy” or “hard to manage” is a massive misstep. Instead, businesses need to understand Gen Z traits and align their company culture and employer branding with what this generation truly values—authenticity, flexibility, purpose, and opportunity. Whether you’re hiring Gen Z employees or marketing to them, the key lies in understanding the intersection of personal branding and company identity.

Len Silverman’s insights are a wake-up call for any business that wants to stay relevant, both in the hiring market and in customer engagement. If you want your brand to resonate with the next generation, it starts with getting real about who you are—and who they are.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the Gen Z Workforce: Gen Z isn’t afraid to ghost employers—but it’s often due to broken hiring experiences, not apathy. Simplify, clarify, and personalize your process.

  • Personal Branding Matters: Gen Z expects employers to have a brand identity that mirrors their own values. They’re looking for alignment, not just a paycheck.

  • Company Culture Is Everything: This generation wants mentorship, not micromanagement. They crave environments where feedback is open, and purpose drives work.

  • Think Employee Journey, Not Just Customer Journey: Gen Z sees work as part of their life experience. Treat recruitment and retention like a well-crafted marketing funnel.

  • Authenticity Wins: Performative branding won’t last. Gen Z will call it out. Make sure your values show up in your leadership, actions, and communications.

  • Mentorship Over Management: Support Gen Z through peer mentors or structured programs to guide behavior, expectations, and professional development.

  • Generational Understanding Builds Trust: Bridging the gap between Gen X leadership and Gen Z employees starts with empathy, open dialogue, and mutual respect.


  • [00:09] Introduction to Len Silverman
  • [00:53] What is the Personal Brand of Gen Z
  • [02:56] Common Stereotypes of Genz
  • [04:16] The Old Ways Aren’t Going to Work
  • [06:39] The Employee Journey
  • [08:35] Importance of Cultural Consistency
  • [10:39] Changing Mindsets
  • [12:44] Gen Z Customers
  • [14:19] Common Mistakes Trying to Align with Gen Z
  • [17:11] Turning Gen Z into A Players

More About Len Silverman: 


John Jantsch (00:01.176)

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast. This is John Jantsch and my guest today is Len Silverman. Len has over 30 years of experience in marketing his own a seven figure company with dozens of employees in multiple states. As a former Learning Center owner, he has seen Gen Z grow up and has gotten to know the generation and what makes him tick. maybe that’s why he wrote a book called Mesh, Aligning Your Personal Brand with Gen Z of Gen, sorry.

I’ll try. Let’s try that all over again. Mesh aligning the personal brand of Gen Z with your company culture. So Len, welcome to the show.

Len Silverman (00:39.317)

Thank you. Appreciate you having me,

John Jantsch (00:40.864)

So, Gen Z is, as I recall, something like 13 to 28 years old now. Is that who we’re talking about?

Len Silverman (00:49.097)

Yeah, pretty much. look at 1997 as the beginning of that group. So yes.

John Jantsch (00:52.48)

Okay, okay. So the personal brand of Gen Z, what is that?

Len Silverman (00:58.643)

So, you lot of people these days are talking about personal branding. So I thought it’d be really nice to sort of combine that with things that I’m hearing about Gen Z on the street. But just to give you a little bit of a frame around this, I started in the learning center business in 2004. So at that point, Gen Z was seven years old and I owned learning centers for 21 years. So basically I have seen these kids grow up and I call them kids. Obviously some of them are young adults, but

More and more, as I talk to business owners and leaders, I’ve been hearing stories about, they’re so hard to work with and I can’t figure them out. And basically, some people are saying that they’re kind of washing their hands of it. And that really was disappointing to me. And I thought, well, the first thing is you’ve got to understand Gen Z. And I’m not saying that you, as a company, have to completely change to meet them where they are.

But I’m a big believer that you need to understand your customers, you need to understand your constituents, and in this case, you need to understand your potential employees. So I go into a lot of depth in terms of why the generation Gen Z is the way they are. You you can’t paint anyone with a broad brush. So they’re obviously not all the same, but they, you know, they experienced their economic downturn in 08 or 09 and watch what happened to their parents.

who maybe thought they had safe jobs. They saw the whole country shut down for COVID. They obviously grew up with phones in their hands for the most part. So their access to information and their view of the world is so much broader than mine was at that same age that I think their perspectives on working and being a part of a company are very different than my generation, Gen X, was when we were first coming out.

John Jantsch (02:35.064)


John Jantsch (02:54.828)

Yeah, and I think every, it’s interesting. I’ve read some society or societal studies on generations and a lot of it comes from what their parents experienced. That’s what they experienced as they were coming up. Same with, I was born in the sixties. mean, so my parents were post-World War II and it really has a lot of influence, but from a…

from a workplace standpoint, particularly, what are some of the stereotypes is the best word, that folks are saying, hey, I don’t get it because X.

Len Silverman (03:38.045)

Yeah, probably the one I hear the most is, they’re lazy. They don’t want to work. They ghost you. You you’ll not only set up an interview, but sometimes you’ll actually hire them and they don’t show up for the first day of work. So those are some of the common things that I hear. I also hear really quite a lot about. And first of all, I do want to preface this by saying, I’m not saying this. These are the things I’m hearing, but that they’re they’re kind of uppity that they will.

John Jantsch (04:03.192)

Yeah. Right.

Len Silverman (04:07.785)

they will sit in a meeting with senior executives and chime in like they have an equal seat at the table, which is an anathema to baby boomers and Gen Xers. We just frankly don’t get.

John Jantsch (04:18.552)

Yeah. Not going to turn this into a comedy routine, but I could. So who do you feel? mean, on the surface, you wrote this for maybe people like me that are hiring folks, But I think there’s kind of a broader audience for this, it?

Len Silverman (04:27.817)


Len Silverman (04:42.557)

What I really, the people that I’m really trying to get to pay attention to this would be folks who are in a position where they are frequently hiring and need to understand that they are going to have to make some changes or adaptations in their company to work with this generation, which now is more than 20 % of the workforce. And obviously it’s only going to continue to grow because these

John Jantsch (05:06.67)


Len Silverman (05:10.899)

these guys are becoming more of the age to work. So the old ways of doing things are not necessarily gonna work. And I’ll give you a couple for instance, when I started working, and this was probably the same for you, John, we had mentors and they maybe didn’t call themselves mentors. I had people who would grab my shoulder and say, Len, we don’t do this. You don’t do this in the office. If you’re in a meeting with my boss, you don’t talk. Those were things that I was told.

John Jantsch (05:33.134)


John Jantsch (05:38.606)


Len Silverman (05:41.203)

And in a lot of ways, I think that the folks that I’ve met with are almost a little afraid to have those kinds of conversations. But I will tell you that Gen Z craves mentorship. It has to be positioned the right way for them. They have a different way of speaking and being mentored than we did, but they still want that kind of tutelage. The main thing is they want opportunities. I found them to be extremely entrepreneurial.

John Jantsch (06:06.594)


Len Silverman (06:10.035)

And that’s whether they’re doing their own thing or within an organization. They’re basically doing what we call skill stacking. They just want to grow their own skill base, which means look for, you know, cross-functional opportunities for them and ways for them to grow their own personal skill, which hopefully they’ll continue to pay back to the company. But from their perspective, it also allows them to take those skills somewhere else. So that’s another thing is you got to be aware you’re.

interaction with a Gen Z employee might be shorter than it used to be with someone Gen X, Gen Y.

John Jantsch (06:43.085)


John Jantsch (06:48.494)

So if I’m a 24 year old looking for a new place to go work, would there be something in this book for me?

Len Silverman (06:58.847)

There would. First of all, we talk about it you’re going to be very familiar with this. I know that you and I and a lot of other people have talked about the customer journey for a long time and I’m a big believer in it. I know that there are people who have discussed the employee journey, but I hadn’t seen a whole lot where folks saw the interaction between a customer journey and an employee journey. To me, they’re kind of one in the same. And so,

John Jantsch (07:08.974)

Sure. Right.

John Jantsch (07:17.272)


Len Silverman (07:27.847)

If I was a younger employee just starting out, I’d be looking at companies very differently. I would be looking at kind of the pre-application process, what kind of brand they’re positioning themselves with out in the marketplace. So if I get to know them, what are the things they’re going to make me like and trust them? I would be actively looking for companies that are talking about the things that are important to me. And I discuss those in the book.

John Jantsch (07:33.806)


Len Silverman (07:57.225)

But I also give advice to the employer that some of the hoops you have to go through in today’s world when you submit an application to a company are just not going to work anymore. So you’ve got to make it transparent, quick. I’m not going to say easy, but at least it to be manageable for the applicant. So I think that to help Gen Z sort of understand and identify those companies that are clearly

John Jantsch (08:08.428)

Yeah, yeah.

Len Silverman (08:26.293)

trying to make a connection with them will make it a lot easier so they don’t do what I call crop dusting, which is going on and shooting out 40 or 50 resumes a day. Because that’s very disheartening when you do that. So they can spot things that I’m talking about in the book to identify those companies who are clearly making an outreach to them.

John Jantsch (08:38.124)

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

John Jantsch (08:47.79)

So, you know, there was a day when, you know, this is a prestigious company. This is a big company. You know, they pay well. mean, those were like, that was like the checklist, right? Now it might be paid a lot of flexibility for time off. They, they give to causes I believe in how much of that sort of balance of the brand is kind of just playing to who they’re trying to attract. mean, because the problem with brand and culture is it’s kind of hard to fake it.

you know, it usually comes out, you know, one way or another. So how much, you know, is, a company, you know, this, this idea of aligning their brand, you know, how much of that is, is intentional. How much of that is just, Hey, we’re already doing this stuff. We’re just not communicating it.

Len Silverman (09:35.445)

In my opinion, it’s very intentional. As matter of fact, I just made a LinkedIn post about five minutes before we jumped on here. And it talks about that kind of consistency that you can, you could talk about culture all day long, but at the end of the day, your culture will show itself through how you and your leaders represent your company on a daily basis. So from my perspective, for those companies that are serious about this, there’s pre-work that needs to be done. You know, you need a, you need a quick audit to make sure that your

John Jantsch (09:47.118)


100%. Yeah.

Len Silverman (10:05.441)

of experience and your brand as a company are what you think that they are. Because otherwise you’re going to keep having these glancing blows where Gen Zers will try you out and they’re pretty quick to discover whether you’re a fit or not. And they’ll go find something else because they clearly have a work to live attitude versus a live to work attitude. So if it’s not you,

John Jantsch (10:19.309)


Len Silverman (10:31.807)

they’ll go find some gig work until they’re able to find the next full-time job. So you really do need to look at your own internals and make sure that your company on a daily basis is what you think that it is, monitor and manage that, and then go out there looking for that new employee base. Your retention will be much better.

John Jantsch (10:36.237)

Yeah. Yeah.

John Jantsch (10:53.41)

You know, I wonder how much generations, whatever all the letters we apply to them, millennials and Gen Xs, I wonder how much they could learn from that. Cause you know, was that, there was that kind of, they’re just lazy, you know, they don’t want to work hard, you know. And some of it was like, no, they just want to have a life. And you know, here I am working 80 hours a week, you know, thinking that that’s like the way.

And if they don’t want to do that, then like they’re wrong. So I’m, you know, I wonder how much the, um, you know, the new workplace, the modern workplace in the world could actually maybe gain from, uh, a different mindset.

Len Silverman (11:34.889)

You know, I remember clearly, I can’t remember if I talk about this story in the book or not, but I remember clearly one of the very first corporate jobs that I got. I’d been in the job maybe six months and my boss calls me in his office and he says, Len, I gotta tell you, I really appreciate your work ethic. And I had no idea what he was talking about. He said, you come in on time, when you go to lunch, you only take an hour for lunch. And he said, I gotta tell you, I’ve worked with a number of people your age and it’s very unusual.

Okay, and I’m Janette. So I don’t think what we’re talking about now is anything totally new. I think every older generation in a way kind of thinks the younger generation is a bunch of screw ups, which, you know, clearly they’re not. But what’s different today is I think we all talk more openly. I think that the ability to have these kinds of conversations are so much easier than they used to be. So now is a great time for employers to pick up on.

John Jantsch (12:06.711)

Yeah, right.

John Jantsch (12:11.426)

Yeah, every generation, right?

Len Silverman (12:35.623)

and realize, you know, again, this is a growing workforce. We have got to figure out how to make this work for everybody. And you mentioned work-life balance is going to be incredibly important for this generation. They’re going to look for, you know, what kind of community impact you’re having. So there are things that you could pay attention to and kind of put in place again, before you go out there full throatedly trying to hire these younger people.

John Jantsch (13:03.16)

You know, we’ve spent most of our time talking about employing the generation, but there’s a lot of them that could be customers too, right? And so would a similar kind of brand alignment, you know, apply to your marketing messaging?

Len Silverman (13:06.378)


Len Silverman (13:18.421)

Which is precisely, and I’m glad you brought that up, it’s precisely why I think that the employee journey and the customer journey are so closely related. Because early in that process, it doesn’t matter if you’re positioning your brand for employees or for customers, that voice should be the same. And so I do think that this has a huge impact. If you’re going after a Gen Z consumer base, the book clearly lays out what’s important to them.

John Jantsch (13:25.08)

Yeah. Yeah.

Len Silverman (13:47.303)

and can really help a company to kind of align not just their communication, but more importantly, what they’re doing every day with what Gen Z is looking.

John Jantsch (13:55.298)

Yeah, there’s certainly a growing trend in marketing circles of this idea of employee branding, where the idea that you’re a cool company to work for is a pretty good marketing message too.

Len Silverman (14:01.545)


Len Silverman (14:06.452)


I think it is. Yeah. I mean, we, want to be the cool kids and it’s, it’s good to work for a company that you could be proud of because as you know, I mean, you’ve got, you know, the marketing hourglass and the bottom of the hourglass is basically repeat and refer, which is retention and being an advocate for your company out in marketplace to find other employees. our end goal is really the same. And that’s to convert these employee customers into advocates for our, for our business.

John Jantsch (14:22.348)

Yes. Correct.

John Jantsch (14:40.312)

So I think a lot of companies, whether they wanted to or not, found that as a practical nature, we’re not going to find the people that we want if we don’t kind of realign our brand. What are some of the mistakes you see people that are actually trying to change? What has either been their perception or their reality? What are some mistakes in trying to kind of adapt and align with this new generation?

Len Silverman (15:06.345)

You know, it’s hard to say if it’s a mistake or not, because I think that the jury’s still out a little bit. But, you know, we’ve read in the press about DEI initiatives. And, you know, right down the street from me, we have Tractor Supply as an example, and they had initiated DEI as a department. And then they pulled back on that because they were getting pushback from their customer base. So were they doing that in order to grow sales, or were they doing that

John Jantsch (15:12.494)


Len Silverman (15:35.547)

in order to attract this younger generation. I don’t know which it is, but again, it ultimately turned out to be a misalignment with their company culture. So I would say if you’re doing these kinds of things, if you are looking to use pronouns with all of your employees, just make sure that that absolutely aligns with the company you are. And you’re not simply doing that to try to placate

John Jantsch (15:46.401)


John Jantsch (15:55.246)


Len Silverman (16:04.777)

Gen Z. Does that make sense? Those are the mistakes that I see. If you’re genuine, you’re fine.

John Jantsch (16:05.666)

Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent.

Well, and I think you go to really the root of all of this is be who you are is probably going to now, there some things that you can do to where I see people making mistakes is they have that alignment, but they just don’t communicate. You know, it’s like, well, of course we do that. That’s, know, that’s the right thing to do, you know, as opposed to, but then can you take that too far? And, you know, you see companies.

Len Silverman (16:27.977)


Len Silverman (16:32.732)


John Jantsch (16:39.534)

promoting their environmental consciousness. And it’s like, make styrofoam. So how far is too far?

Len Silverman (16:48.019)

But they’re aware of it.

Len Silverman (16:54.843)

You know, I think that is a very interesting point. And I think that is for each company and possibly its own board of directors and its customers and its employees to kind of decide for themselves. But you know, again, in marketing, we talk about content pillars. And I think for a company like we’re talking about, if I were them, I would come up with three or four areas that I would want to talk about, and then I would weight them. So

If environmental issues are important, but maybe they’re not the most important thing, I might spend 10 to 15 % of my time talking about that. And that would be internal conversations first to make sure that we do have that right mix that feels right.

John Jantsch (17:38.158)

How would you advise a company that wants to realign their brand, there’s also, it’s like, here’s our culture and we believe it and we’re gonna stay true to it. How does somebody like that attract, so they attract folks that want a job. How do they get that, how do they turn them into A players? They may be a little bit misaligned initially, but is there a way to then say, look,

Here’s how we do it here. Here’s why we do it that way. And some will fall off, but some will turn in day players.

Len Silverman (18:10.515)

You hit the nail on the head. We do it this way and this is why we do it this way. That’s the most important thing for this generation. They want to understand why. And if you’ve established a culture that I think we’re both talking about, then the whys are going to be there. And the other thing, I’ll go back to the mentorship thing again. You know, I talk about this in the book. I think it’s critical for these new employees.

You could set up a buddy, could be a peer mentor, it could be a leadership mentor, but someone who reinforces that message and helps that newer employee to shape how they’re presenting themselves to align with the company, most importantly, understanding why we’re asking to do that. And it could be, hey, I’ve been on your social media and I got to tell you that some of those things just don’t really align with what we’re doing. And let me tell you why, this is my customer.

and my customer doesn’t really like to see that on social media. okay. Well, that becomes pretty clear.

John Jantsch (19:09.442)

Yeah. Yeah. All right. Let’s talk about abbreviations and punctuation. No, I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding. We’re not going to go there. So, so Len, I appreciate you taking a few moments to stop by. Where can where would you invite people to connect with you? Find out more about your work, but then obviously more about the book Mesh.

Len Silverman (19:18.389)

It’s dangerous stuff to talk about.

Len Silverman (19:35.687)

It is very simple. The easiest place to go is

John Jantsch (19:42.606)

Awesome. Well, great. I think, it’ll be interesting to see, you know, we’re talking about Gen Z now what’s the next generation and what’s going to be like their iteration, right? that’s what we’re calling them. We’re going back to a, okay. Okay. All right. Awesome. Well, again, I appreciate you taking a few moments to side by. Hopefully we’ll see you out there on the road someday soon.

Len Silverman (19:54.835)

Yeah, Gen Alpha. That’s what we’re calling him,

Len Silverman (20:07.093)

Thanks, John.